Marketing montreal
Have your website built and optimized for search engines.Web development - all in one place.
What we provide, in a nutshell.
So, you are looking to have a website made for you. Here is a basic list of what marketing Montreal offers for web development.
- An HTML, WordPress or e-commerce website
- Search engine optimization
- Responsive designs for mobiles and desktops
- Social media integration
- Web hosting packages
- Support and automated back ups

More than fifteen years of experience designing and, optimizing websites for search engines.
We understand that some customers do not know where to start; we are there to teach and lead you.
Our experience allows us to move as quickly as you are willing to go. You set the pace and the deadline.
Many Possibilities
We offer a lot of different solutions for almost everything that you can think of for developing a website.
From purchasing your domain to answering emails, we provide the complete package.
web development checklist
Our web development checklist will simplify the development of your website.
Frequently Asked Questions
We have answered a wide range of questions for your convenience.If you have additional questions, feel free to contact us.
Q. Where do I start if I need a new website?
So to start a new website, you must register a domain name through Godaddy, Netfirms or a simliar registrar. A server to host your website is also needed. The kind of look you are going for also helps as does a list of categories and pages to seperate your site into sections. Finally, an idea of who you would like your website to attract and why. It is recommended to wait and contact us before choosing your domain name and hosting as there are a few things you should know beforehand.
Q. Do I need an HTML website or a Wordpress website?
WordPress and other CMS (content management systems) have been gaining ground as they become easier and easier for beginners to use. HTML is still a little difficult for beginners but there are enough tutorials on the world wide web to get you started and on your feet if you choose to do so yourself. For more info, check our web design page.
We recommend HTML websites for people that will not be updating their sites very often. CMS are good for more dynamic websites like an e-commerce website, a blog or any site that needs to be updated frequently.
Q. What is web hosting and why do I need it?
Web hosting is needed for your website the same way a library is needed to store books. All the files that make up your website must be stored on a computer (web hosting server) for people to access the files and be able to view your website.
There are many options and price points for web hosting. If you have any questions please feel free to use the form below and contact us or, visit the web hosting page.
Q. Do I really need to be on social media? Why?
While it is fun to use, and we do recommend it not everyone with a website that needs to have social media integrated into it.
Here are some examples, read through them and see if any would be of use to what you would like to accomplish: customer service and relations, communication across differrent mediums such as Facebook-Instagram-Twitter and create a brand. If you would like to know more, visit our social media page.
Q. What is niche marketing and Geo targetting?
Niche marketing focuses on a small percantage of users that are interested by your website topic. It targets them specifically that way, instead of focusing on a big group and getting only a little return, you focus on a smaller group that is interested in your website providing a bigger return.
Geo targetting is targetting for example a city such as Montreal or Quebec city. It is a technique similar to niche marketing but your niche is a location, not individuals.
For more information, please visit out SEO page.
Q. What is search engine optimization and why do I need it?
SEO is search engine optimization. Marketing Montreal started as a service providing only SEO. When you type something into a search engine, websites with good SEO will typically appear on the first page. So for example, if you type in 'Montreal shoe store' into Google or any search enigne, your website appears in the first page.
For a more in depth explanation, visit our SEO page.